
Cubed will automatically optimize the computation graph before running it. This can reduce the number of tasks in the plan, and the amount of intermediate IO, both of which speed up the computation.

Map fusion#

The simplest kind of optimization is map fusion, where operations that have one preceding operation with the same number of tasks are fused together. This optimization is enabled by default.

You can see the effect of optimization before running any computation by using the visualize method on a Cubed array, such as in the following small example. We start by specifying optimize_graph=False to turn off optimization so we can see what the unoptimized plan looks like.

import cubed.array_api as xp

a = xp.asarray([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]], chunks=(2, 2))
b = xp.negative(a)
c = xp.astype(b, xp.float32)

c.visualize("cubed-unoptimized", optimize_graph=False)

Computation with optimization turned off

Now we call visualize again, this time not setting optimize_graph so it picks up its default value of True.


Map fusion optimization

Note that with optimization turned on, the array b is no longer written as an intermediate output since it will be computed in the same tasks that compute array c. The overall number of tasks is reduced from 10 to 5, and the intermediate data (total nbytes) is reduced too.

Here we have just called visualize with the optimize_graph argument, but it’s possible to use it when calling compute - which can be useful when debugging a computation.


Multiple-input fusion#

Cubed supports more powerful optimizations, such as for when an array is created from multiple input arrays. Here is an example, shown first with optimization turned off.

import cubed.array_api as xp

a = xp.ones((3, 3), chunks=(2, 2))
b = xp.ones((3, 3), chunks=(2, 2))
c = xp.ones((3, 3), chunks=(2, 2))
d = xp.add(b, c)
e = xp.add(a, d)

e.visualize("cubed-unoptimized", optimize_graph=False)

Multiple inputs unoptimized

And with optimization turned on (the default):


Multiple inputs optimized

Notice how the array d is fused away.

Debugging optimization#

Sometimes it can be difficult to understand why particular operations in a computation plan have been fused together - or more commonly, why they have not been fused. By enabling debug logging you can get detailed information from the optimize function to help you understand which operations are being fused - or not - and the reason in either case.

Here’s the previous example with logging enabled:

import logging



The output explains which operations can or can’t be fused, and why:

DEBUG:cubed.core.optimization:can't fuse op-001 since it is not a primitive operation, or it uses map_direct
DEBUG:cubed.core.optimization:can't fuse op-002 since it is not a primitive operation, or it uses map_direct
DEBUG:cubed.core.optimization:can't fuse op-003 since it is not a primitive operation, or it uses map_direct
DEBUG:cubed.core.optimization:can't fuse op-004 since no predecessor ops can be fused
DEBUG:cubed.primitive.blockwise:can fuse op-005 since num tasks of predecessor ops match

Advanced settings#

There are limits to how many input arrays and input chunks reads are fused together. These are imposed so that the number of reads that an individual task must perform is not excessive, which would otherwise result in slow running tasks.

In some cases you may want to change these limits, which we look at here.

Total number of source arrays#

Cubed will not fuse operations that result in more than 4 source arrays in the fused operation. In the previous example above the fused operation has three source arrays (a, b, and c), which is below the maximum default allowed. On the other hand, a computation with a higher “fan-in” that exceeds the maximum will not be fused, or operations will be fused in stages.

To change this, we have to specify the optimize_function that Cubed should use: multiple_inputs_optimize_dag. In addition, we use fuctools.partial to set the max_total_source_arrays argument to 8 as follows:

from functools import partial
from cubed.core.optimization import multiple_inputs_optimize_dag

opt_fn = partial(multiple_inputs_optimize_dag, max_total_source_arrays=8)

Total number of input blocks#

The max_total_num_input_blocks argument to multiple_inputs_optimize_dag specifies the maximum number of input blocks (chunks) that are allowed in the fused operation.

Again, this is to limit the number of reads that an individual task must perform. The default is None, which means that operations are fused only if they have the same number of tasks. If set to an integer, then this limitation is removed, and tasks with a different number of tasks will be fused - as long as the total number of input blocks does not exceed the maximum. This setting is useful for reductions, and can be set using functools.partial:

opt_fn = partial(multiple_inputs_optimize_dag, max_total_num_input_blocks=10)