Cubed was designed to work seamlessly with Zarr data. The examples below demonstrate using cubed.from_zarr()
, cubed.to_zarr()
to read and write Zarr data.
Write to Zarr#
We’ll start by creating a small chunked array containing random data in Cubed and writing it to Zarr using cubed.to_zarr()
. Note that the call to to_zarr
executes eagerly.
import cubed
import cubed.random
# 2MB chunks
a = cubed.random.random((5000, 5000), chunks=(500, 500))
# write to Zarr
cubed.to_zarr(a, "a.zarr")
Read from Zarr#
We can check that the Zarr file was created by loading it from disk using cubed.from_zarr()
Multiple arrays#
To write multiple arrays in a single computation use
import cubed
import cubed.random
# 2MB chunks
a = cubed.random.random((5000, 5000), chunks=(500, 500))
b = cubed.random.random((5000, 5000), chunks=(500, 500))
# write to Zarr
arrays = [a, b]
paths = ["a.zarr", "b.zarr"], paths)
Then to read the Zarr files back, we use cubed.from_zarr()
for each array and perform whatever array operations we like on them. Only when we call to_zarr
is the whole computation executed.
import cubed.array_api as xp
# read from Zarr
a = cubed.from_zarr("a.zarr")
b = cubed.from_zarr("b.zarr")
# perform operation
c = xp.add(a, b)
# write to Zarr
cubed.to_zarr(c, store="c.zarr")