
Cubed arrays are backed by Zarr arrays, and every chunk in the Zarr array is computed by a task running on a worker, which may be a local or remote process.

Cubed provides a variety of executors for running the tasks in a computation, which are discussed below. Executors are also sometimes referred to as runtimes.

Local single-machine executors#

If you don’t specify an executor then the local in-process multi-threaded Python executor is used by default. This is called the threads executor. It doesn’t require any set up so it is useful for quickly getting started and running on datasets that don’t fit in memory, but that can fit on a single machine’s disk.

The processes executor also runs on a single machine, and uses all the cores on the machine. However, unlike the threads executor, each task runs in a separate process, which avoids GIL contention, but adds some overhead in process startup time and communication. Typically, running using processes is more performant than threads, but it is worth trying both on your workload to see which is best.

There is a third local executor called single-threaded that runs tasks sequentially in a single thread, and is intended for testing on small amounts of data.

Which cloud service executor should I use?#

When it comes to scaling out, there are a number of executors that work in the cloud or on distributed systems more generally.

Lithops is the executor we recommend for most users, since it has had the most testing so far (~1000 workers). If your data is in Amazon S3 then use Lithops with AWS Lambda, and if it’s in GCS use Lithops with Google Cloud Functions. You have to build a runtime environment as a part of the setting up process.

Modal is very easy to get started with because it automatically builds a runtime environment in a matter of seconds (note that it requires that you sign up for a free account). It has been tested with ~100 workers.

Coiled is also easy to get started with (sign up). It uses Coiled Functions and has a 1-2 minute overhead to start a cluster.

Google Cloud Dataflow is relatively straightforward to get started with. It has the highest overhead for worker startup (minutes compared to seconds for Modal or Lithops), and although it has only been tested with ~20 workers, it is a mature service and therefore should be reliable for much larger computations.

We have experimental executors for Ray (see #488), Globus Compute (see #689), and Apache Spark (see #499). These have not had much testing, so we’d be very interested in feedback if you try them out.

Specifying an executor#

An executor may be specified as a part of the Spec:

import cubed

spec = cubed.Spec(

A default spec may also be configured using a YAML file. The examples show this in more detail for all of the executors described above.