


You can install Cubed with a minimal set of dependencies using conda:

conda install -c conda-forge cubed


You can also install Cubed with pip:

python -m pip install cubed

Optional dependencies#

Cubed has many optional dependencies, which can be installed in sets for different functionality (especially for running on different executors):

$ python -m pip install "cubed[diagnostics]"  # Install optional dependencies for cubed diagnostics
$ python -m pip install "cubed[beam]"         # Install optional dependencies for the beam executor
$ python -m pip install "cubed[lithops]"      # Install optional dependencies for the lithops executor
$ python -m pip install "cubed[modal]"        # Install optional dependencies for the modal executor

To see the full list of which packages are installed with which options see [project.optional_dependencies] in pyproject.toml:

diagnostics = [
beam = ["apache-beam", "gcsfs"]
dask = ["dask"]
dask-distributed = ["distributed"]
lithops = ["lithops[aws] >= 2.7.0"]
modal = [
modal-gcp = [
coiled = [
test = [
    "cubed[diagnostics,lithops]",  # modal tests separate due to conflicting package reqs
test-beam = [
test-dask = [
test-dask-distributed = [
test-modal = [